When you launch your product and start growing, there are 3 different objectives that you want to achieve:

Get feedback

That's really the first step of every launch: show your product to a bunch of people and see how much they love it.

I would suggest starting with either small communities or super-friendly ones (like IndieHackers).

<aside> ⚠️ Start small, attract a small number of people, get them on the phone. Then iterate and restart the process with a bigger community. That's a good way to reach product/market/fit.


Get visitors

Once you have your first hundreds of visitors and a more polished product, it's time to go bigger. Start posting to "Big impact" communities and directories and wait for traffic.

It's a number game!

The more you'll communicate, the more you share and the more visitors you'll get. A good post on a big subreddit or on Hackernews can bring you 5000+ visitors in 24h!

<aside> ⚠️ We all think about SEO when we produce content, and that's true. It can be a fantastic source of traffic. But it takes months to build. When you're just starting, focus more on helping people than keywords and share your content with communities.


Get fame

The last step of the process is about getting "fame.” Most of the time, fame came from Press articles. It's quite hard to get, but it's powerful. Getting an article in Techcrunch in Forbes, brings you visibility and SEO and will provide you with monthly traffic.

I use guest post opportunities for that and try to be in touch with journalists as well.