As an Entrepreneur, you are both a creative and a maker. You can spend days thinking on what to build, what idea you should tackle, but also spend weeks building.

The key here is two separate these two parts of your brain.

Think & Plan

Don't rush on your keyboard to build something. Take all the time you need to think deeply about what you want to achieve, what you want to develop, and how you can validate this.

Build & Launch

Once you have your plan, execute it. Put your creative brain on OFF and start building. Build as fast as you can - don't bother with the small details. Try to validate your hypothesis as quickly as possible.

Once you're done, launch the new feature/version/app and listen to your users.


When you've made your mind about what you wanted to validated, put your creative brain back ON and start thinking about what next again!


On Product Launch Strategy

New Product Launch Strategy: 5 Steps to Product Launch Success