<aside> 💬 I always got a LOT of questions about MVP, how much time should I spend on this, what tech should I use, how many feature etc…

Here is my take about MVP



The number 1 quality of an MVP is to be released, used by your customers. So stop wondering if you should add Y or Z, just grab any tool that made 50% of the work and ship it!

The first version of your MVP should be a landing page (built with a no-code tool like Carrd) with your value proposition and an email collection form. That's all!

If you can't get traffic on it, or if nobody is giving you an email for your idea, abandon it and move on!

If you have some positive feedback, add some mockup or a demo and try to sell pre-orders. Iterate on it until you have people actually paying for it

For you to learn

That's the biggest misconception made by the founders. They think that their MVP is a minimal version of their product. But it's not! An MVP is a way for you to learn and iterate fast on your value proposition, your pricing, your positioning, etc…

Be Broken

An MVP is broken by default, and that's ok. You will do a LOT of things manually - the famous "do things that don't scale".

Don't care about your brand identity at this point, same goes for all the "external" functions such as user management, self-service, and even UI/UX. Your only goal is to validate the core of your purpose:

Is my solution actually solving a problem?

If it is, people will pay you for it and you'll be able to start building a real product. But don't do it backward. Validation first!


Zero to Sold: How to Start, Run, and Sell a Bootstrapped Business

The Minimum Viable Product & the Minimal Marketable Product